An Index of Walking (2013 - 2014)
Pigment prints
9 x 6”

An Index of Walking is a yearlong photographic project that explores the enigmatic intersection of memory, place, geography, and perception.  Taken along the same daily walk in my neighborhood, the photographs depict the commonplace objects and spaces that comprise what could be any typical suburban area.  These walks were a vehicle for exploration, contemplation, and looking; they also provided a structure in which to engage with notions of familiarity and “home”.

Time spent with the everyday spaces, objects, and rhythms of daily life reveals a wealth of information, most of which hides in plain sight.  What is gleaned is often fragmentary and discrete; however, even the most ostensibly ordinary landscape is imprinted with so much – time, history, growth, decay, politics, and wonder.  Caught somewhere between art and life, private and social experience, and repetition and chance, this project exists in the lineage of Happenings.