Compound Fractures (2015 ~ 2018)
Collaborative project with Joy Drury Cox
Pigment prints
Dimensions variable
The photographs in this series were made in various ‘show caves’ around the Southeastern United States. Also referred to as ‘tourist caves’, these spaces exist at the intersection of commerce and ecology. To photograph one of these subterranean spaces is to conflate two diametric conceptions of time - the fractional and the geologic. The cave may appear inert, but to photograph one is to arrest a fluid process.
This work explores the cave as a geological site that inspires veneration, awe and terror, but also as a metaphor for the mind. They are places where things evolve and shift over time, where the conscious meets the unknown. Ultimately, these photographs are an attempt to find a formal language that represents both the physicality of these disorienting landscapes and the interiority of human cognition.
This work explores the cave as a geological site that inspires veneration, awe and terror, but also as a metaphor for the mind. They are places where things evolve and shift over time, where the conscious meets the unknown. Ultimately, these photographs are an attempt to find a formal language that represents both the physicality of these disorienting landscapes and the interiority of human cognition.